Still Looking for the Best Essay Sentence Checker
If you’re working on a story, application, report, or any other document, you may want to run it through an essay sentence checker once you’re done to know that you’re using correct grammar. This program will scan your text and highlight grammar problems and other issues. It’s very important that you use good grammar. Those who don’t are likely to make a poor first impression on people and may cost their company or themselves money. For example, a single comma in the wrong place allowed a company in Canada to terminate a contract early, saving two million dollars.
A survey done in the UK revealed that 59% of internet users will not work with a company if they find grammar errors on the business’s website. Errors made on signs, in emails, and in other marketing materials are also likely to push customers away. This is especially true if the company has created an image of being sophisticated and intelligent. That image can be destroyed by one small grammar mistake.
How to Write an Essay

Image credit: Kaboom Pics
Before you can begin an academic paper or another type of essay, it’s important that you know the basic steps of writing one. You can sit down and simply start writing, but you’ll usually find that you have to revise your essay multiple times if you do that. Instead, you want to make sure you’re prepared before you begin writing.
If you’re writing an essay for a class, you’ll often be provided a topic or at least a direction for the paper. If you weren’t given a topic, you will need to select one and then discuss it with your instructor to make sure the topic is acceptable and something you can fully cover in the allotted word or page limit. Topics for essays often come in the form of a question that you can investigate, a comparison you can make, or a point you can argue.
Once you have your topic, you can start with the first step of writing an essay.
- Do the research: If you’re writing a personal essay, you may not need to research anything. If you’re writing an academic essay that requires you to use a certain number of sources, though, you will need to visit the library or go online to find references. Look up sources that support your topic, but don’t be afraid to include some that disagree, too. A good essay can include points that argue against your thesis statement.
- Outline your essay: Instead of jumping right into your essay, you should start with a plan. This will help you organize your ideas before you begin writing. Start with your topic. Then make a list of all of the main points you want to include in your essay. Leave some space under each point so you can go back and break it down into smaller ideas. Depending on how long your essay can be, the main points may become paragraphs or larger sections. Each of the sub-points may be sentences, paragraphs, or even multiple paragraphs, depending on how detailed you get and how much space you have.
- The next step is to write your topic sentence or thesis statement: This is the statement that lets your reader know what the main purpose of your essay is. It should sum up your essay in a single sentence. For example, the thesis statement of an essay about schools and healthy lunches might be something like, “There are many concerns about schools meeting the dietary needs of students, which is why parents have become more vocal about what their children are being fed.” The essay would then include supporting references about nutrition, what school lunches include, and how parents are changing the meals served.
- Write the introduction: Your introduction should start out with a strong sentence that grabs the reader’s attention. The rest of your introduction needs to provide the reader with an idea of what you’ll be discussing in the rest of the essay. Finally, the last line of your introduction is your thesis statement.
- Write the paragraphs that make up the body of your essay: This is where you’ll explain or argue your thesis. You will want to make sure each paragraph or section focuses on one point. You’ll start each of these sections with an introduction sentence that describes what it’s about. Then you’ll provide your supporting thoughts, evidence, and references. Continue writing each section until you’ve completed them all.
- Revise the introduction: Some experts suggest writing the body before you write the introduction. That method doesn’t always work for everyone, though. If you write the introduction first, go back and re-read it after writing the body. You may need to make some changes depending on how the rest of your essay developed.
- Write the conclusion: It should summarize the entire essay and reinforce your thesis. Conclusions are generally no longer than a paragraph or two.
- Proofread your essay: This includes running it through an essay writing checker.
Proofreading and Editing Tips

Image credit: Grammarly
Once you’ve finished your essay, it’s time to edit it. Paper editing doesn’t mean just re-reading your essay. You have to critically look at every sentence to make sure it’s grammatically correct. Then you need to look at how your sentences work together to express your ideas. You also need to look at the logic of your essay to make sure it flows correction. Here are a few more tips for editing your writing:
- Read your essay aloud: This can help you hear how your sentences sound in a way that reading them silently doesn’t.
- Edit your essay several times: Read through once for grammar without really focusing on the logic of your essay. Then read through it again and focus only on your thoughts and how they flow. Trying to edit everything at once can be overwhelming.
- Run your paper through an English essay corrector: This will catch any errors that have slipped past you.
- Have someone else read over your essay to make certain it makes sense: If your reader doesn’t understand something, it’s a sign you should revise.
A Great Essay Writing Checker Option
If you’re wondering how to check your essay online, there’s a great tool available at This essay sentence checker will not only look at your grammar, punctuation, and spelling, but it will also suggest different words and tell you if you have any unclear references or wordy sentences and includes passive voice corrector. It will also check for plagiarism.
If you want your grammar to be perfect, you need to use an essay sentence checker once you’ve finished your essay. The SentenceCorrector tool is one of the best options out there since it looks at more than just grammar!