When there are two or more independent clauses, which could have been divided by a proper punctuation or a coordinating conjunction in a sentence, there is a problem on run-on sentences. This happens when you’re too excited of writing and your thought is overflowing that you type so fast. You could not notice that you’re not following rules in preventing run-on sentences.
Another problem is passive sentence that happens when you don’t use active verbs in your sentences, one thing also graded by professors when reading your paper. To correct these mistakes and more, check out the following ways on how a run on sentence corrector can correct the problem.
How to Use Passive Sentence Checker Online
In order to correct your errors in run-on sentences, sentence structure, subject-verb agreement and passive sentences , to name a few, you can make use of the best passive sentence checker online that will be able to spot them for you without you having any difficulty. All you have to do is to copy and paste your texts onto the platform for checking, and then press the button for checking the text.
When everything is done, wait for the results from the free proper sentence checker that can also show you styling suggestions from which you will learn how to improve your sentences and writing. You can check not only mistakes, but also enhance your writing ability.
What is more, while checking with the online check sentence tool, you will be able to see for plagiarism hits that can show you what parts or portions of your text is copied or may be copied from someone else. This should be corrected to avoid getting poor grades from your professor that expects you to come up with an original piece.
In terms of sentence grammar check, you will be able to get rid of the errors automatically with the help of the checker that can show you the weaknesses you have in English writing, and suggest you ways on how to improve your writing.
Without even saying, the run on sentence corrector is a real good checker to see your mistakes and eventually help you work on your writing skills. So what are you waiting for? Use the passive sentence checker online today!
If you are looking for the best passive sentence checker online, then you in the right place!
Image credit: http://basteandgather.com/a-grammar-lesson-for-reality-stars/